
Effective & Versatile

The majority if not all of the fruit fly traps currently on the market are passive, requiring the fruit flies to dispose of themselves. If you never plugged in your ActiveGreen Fruit Fly Trap, it would still work as well as anything available today. Once you plug it in, you have the first active fruit fly trap with our patent pending active capture technology working 24/7 to keep you fruit fly free. Our design also allows for you to change the bait depending on the species you intend to capture; a feature exclusive to the ActiveGreen Fruit Fly Trap.


Discrete & Attractive

While designing the ActiveGreen Fruit Fly Trap, we kept in mind the variety of places it would be employed. It had to be subtle enough to blend into it's environment in bars and restaurants and other businesses, and yet pleasing to the eye and distinct enough to stand alone on your kitchen counter at home. At only 6.5 inches tall with a 4.5 inch diameter, you won't lose much counter space at all. Through testing we learned things that helped shape the design. For example, a light colored top made the fruit flies that landed on the trap before entering much more noticeable, and that is why we started with black, and in the future, the trap will only be available in darker colors.



Green & Clean

The ActiveGreen Fruit Fly Trap uses less electricity than a florescent light bulb and is only drawing power for 24 minutes a day, so it is very energy efficient. Because you can reuse it year after year and it requires no toxic chemicals for operation, you can use it guilt-free without filling the garbage dumps or poisoning the environment as you would with the other options available. When caught, the fruit flies are contained in the bait fluid which means cleaning only requires pouring the contents of the trap down the drain, a quick rinse in warm water, a refill with your chosen bait fluid, and you're catching fruit flies again.